Friday 3 December 2010

The history of incense

In my country use Incense of the old days. Court nobles in the Heianperiod(8th to 12th) concocted original takimono in search of graceful and sophisticated fragrances for personal use.
Different blends were used for different time occasions or seasons, according to the mood of the moment.
To impregnate their clothes or suffuse their rooms for guests,court people burnt their favorite blend of incense.
''takimono awase ''an incense game wher participants competed to produce better fragrances also started in this period not quite satisfied with the simple fragrances of flowers and fruits in nature court nobles created fragrances for their pleasure thus establishing the foundation of a peculiar in cence culture that was firmly attached to a keen awaress of the seasons.

Base of incense
The brak of this tree is ground into powder and used as the base

Sweet,spicy,bitter,and sour various scent depend on the tree's character

Products made in india have a soft and sweet woody type of aroma and the scent lingers for a great length of time. The fragrance characteristics depend on the region.

Spicy scent

Repre scenative of spicy fragrances

A sweet fragrance similar to vanilla
The aweet fragrance of anise

(Baby lonia)
The shell part of a sea snail that is ground up into powder form.
This has been used for many years as a way to up hold fragrances.

Musk has a foul scent on its own, but turns into a pleasant sensual scent when diluted with water by a 1 to 1,000 ratio well known for use in perfume and cosmetics but also used to increase men's libidos.
In 1973the Washington agreement restricted the export / import of musk except for special cases.
In present day natural musk is rarely used for fragrances but rahter a synthetic musk.

Friday 19 November 2010

boy's misutake

He was working telephon ring then

He was taking when she's have a birthday party 30th April at 9pm

He was going outside when he was waiting for taxi

He was get out of a taxi

He met friend car was engine trouble

He was calling she's house

He mistaken a message at her

Thursday 28 October 2010

Advice for a visitor to Japan

My country is Japan if you go traveling in Japn I recommend some places there 
The popular place is kyoto. You should go to Kyoto in the spring to enjoy the cherry blossoms
You shouldn` drive car there because from all over the country people.gather to enjoy the cherry blossom.
if you drive the car you have to wait a long long time you should use bus or train and underground is the best an idea but you have to walk a long time you should travel around Arasiyama. This is famous place wish many weeping cherry trees and Yoshino cherry tree is really beautiful and ther are many temples.
You should take a picture of the temple and scenery.
You should go to the world heritage kiyamizu temple.It is very famous for worshipers all the year round.
You can look at flowers in fall trees turn red at the temple and tree is illuminated.

Friday 22 October 2010


My country famous food is sushi. Sushi is delicious. but in London food is diffrent taste.